AUSTRALIA -------$ 3.00 (Total = $12 U.S.) |
AFRICA economy air ---$ 7.00 (Total = $16 U.S.) EUROPE economy air --- $ 7.00 (Total = $16 U.S.) SOUTH AMERICA economy air - $ 7.00 (Total =$16 U.S.) |
USA economy air -- $ 6.50 (Total = $15.50 U.S.) ASIA economy air -- $ 6.50 (Total = $15.50 U.S.) MIDDLE EAST econ. air -- $ 6.50 (Total = $15.50 U.S.) |
NZ economy air ---------$ 4.50 (Total =13.50 U.S.) |
If your country is not in the group, email me for a price. (Maximum price in the world is a total of $16 U.S.) | . |